Wet grinding machine rounds edges optimally
Lissmac SMW 545 gives metal parts a beautiful look
“Good tools, half the work” says a proverb. For BVS Blechtechnik as a highly automated production company, this means in a figurative sense: without powerful technology, no process optimization. The recently installed Lissmac SMW 545 wet grinding machine improves work performance in surface grinding. The unit, which consists of four units, rounds effectively so that internal and external contours are deburred simultaneously.
The new Lissmac replaces the previous Ernst grinder and is a joy to use among the professionals in the grinding department. “We clearly achieve better rounding of all edges with the Lissmac,” Roland Steiner, Technical Manager, is convinced.
Through the manufacturer Lissmac, BVS received a system that was put together specifically for their needs – it is only at BVS in this modular order. The Lissmac is used for rounding and surface grinding to give the laser cut workpieces with up to 120 mm passage height the desired design finish. The machine is set up in such a way that it pregrinds with the first unit over wide belt rollers, followed by rounding with cup brushes. In the third aggregate, fine grinding takes place. Finally, secondary burrs are removed with a fleece roller brush and finally dried.
Operators measure the material thickness before loading the metal parts and program the aggregates to be run through based on the desired surface standard. For recurring jobs, they can quickly recall the stored data.
By the way, the Lissmac only works in the “3-pack”. An external ultra-fine filter system, the Micron filter system, is connected to the wet grinding machine. It ensures extremely clean process water or that abrasion is separated from the cooling lubricant. The third component is the UV system, which kills bacteria in the rinse water. Thanks to the antibacterial effect of UV rays, there is no need to use biocides, so there are no chemicals in the waste water and at the same time the operators are not exposed to chemicals.
The new wet grinding machine is ideal for the wide range of materials to be processed, such as aluminum, steel or stainless steel, and complements the grinding process step as the sixth machine. BVS customers can rely on the best results, because optics play a major role in visible parts for industrial products.